On Ep 279, Zack and Scott welcome Jeff Swann from the Nindie Nation Podcast to chat about what they’d like to see in the upcoming generation of consoles.
On This Episode
(Start) Welcome/Introduction
(11:23) News
(38:42) From the Outside In Topic (“New Gen Desires”)
(1:20:40) Super Crush KO (Switch)
(1:21:53) SuperMash (PC)
(1:24:02) Squidlit (Switch)
(1:25:33) Coffee Talk (PS4)
(1:32:38) 198X (Switch)
(1:36:47) Terminator: Resistance (Xbox One)
(1:54:41) Closing
Grab the episode now on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play Music and more. If you love this episode and want other gaming content you can't get anywhere else, please support us on Patreon! Also, don’t forget to check out our Discord Server.
On Ep 278 Chris, CB & Scott discuss their feelings on delays to release dates on games.
On This Episode
(Start) Welcome/Introduction
(4:00) News (Rumors: Metroid, Bioshock & Spider-Man 4))
(31:26) From the Outside In Topic (“Game Delays”)
(1:20:16) Ring Fit Plus (Switch)
(1:30:07) Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (Xbox One)
(1:39:07) Disguiser of Fate (PC)
(1:46:34) Potata (PC)
(2:06:33) Closing
Grab the episode now on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play Music and more. If you love this episode and want other gaming content you can't get anywhere else, please support us on Patreon! Also, don’t forget to check out our Discord Server.
On Ep 277, Zack, CB & Scott discuss New Years resolutions, both video game related and otherwise.
On This Episode
(Start) Welcome/Introduction
(7:53) News (New Batman Tease, No Xbox Series X Exclusives at Launch)
(39:42) From the Outside In Topic (“New Year Gaming Resolutions”)
(1:12:33) Jamestown+ (Switch)
(1:17:46) Vader Immortal Episode III (Oculus Quest)
(1:25:33) Baldur’s Gate I & II Enhanced Editions (PS4)
(1:37:16) Orangeblood (PC)
(1:45:35) AO Tennis 2 (Xbox One)
(1:54:30) Riverbond (Switch)
(2:01:04) Closing
Grab the episode now on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play Music and more. Also, don’t forget to check out our Discord Server.
On Ep 276 of The Gaming Outsider, we invite Grant Henry back for our annual Game of the Year episode. We’ll find out which game made the tops of our lists as well as the overall pick for The Gaming Outsider.
On This Episode
(Start) Welcome/Introduction
(13:20) News
(28:05) From the Outside In Topic (“2019 Game of the Year Discussion”)
(1:54:44) Closing
Grab the episode now on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Google Play Music and more. Also, don’t forget to check out our Discord Server.