The Gaming Outsider welcomes another returning GO member, Grant Henry (of Metroid Metal fame) to join in our debate between which console is superior, Xbox One or PS4. In news we talk about the announcement of Double Dragon IV and the possibility of seeing Eternal Darkness on the Nintendo Switch.
Discussed on this episode of The Gaming Outsider Podcast:
(0:00 – 27:34) Welcome/Introduction
(27:35 – 45:42) News/Trailers
(45:43 – 57:26) What has our guest (GRANT) been playing? ("Stern Pinball Arcade", "Thumper", "140", "The Last Guardian")
(57:27 – 1:06:10) What has JOSH been playing? ("Gravity Rush 2" [demo], "Dead Rising 4")
(1:06:11 – 1:13:47) What has ZACH been playing? ("Dishonored 2")
(1:13:48 – 1:20:40) What has ROBBY been playing? ("The Last Guardian", "Superhot", "Orwell")
(1:20:41 – 1:27:51) What has SCOTT been playing? ("Headlander", "Super Mario Run", "Final Fantasy XV")
(1:27:52 – 2:14:52) Community Topic: "Xbox One vs. PS4".
(2:14:53 – 2:16:31) Closing
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The Gaming Outsider welcomes another GO Community member, Alaina Grimm, to the show to share in our best (and worst) video game-related Christmas gifts we've ever received. In news, we discuss the January Games with Gold freebies, the Nintendo Switch's hardware, and a new Dynasty Warriors game.
Discussed on this episode of The Gaming Outsider Podcast:
(0:00 – 19:23) Welcome/Introduction
(19:24 – 41:22) News/Trailers
(41:23 – 48:35) What has our guest (ALAINA) been playing? ("Overwatch", "Pokemon Sun/Moon")
(48:36 – 1:02:03) "Super Mario Run"
(1:02:04 – 1:09:11) What has SCOTT been playing? ("Batman the Telltale Series", "Pinball FX2 ["Doom", "Fallout 4", "Skyrim"], "Final Fantasy XV")
(1:09:12 – 1:17:08) What has JOSH been playing? ("Mario Maker 3DS", "The Last Guardian")
(1:17:09 – 1:48:44) Community Topic: Best/Worst Video Game-related Christmas gifts.
(1:48:45 – 1:50:24) Closing
Be sure to join our Facebook Group and check out our web site at
The Gaming Outsider welcomes another GO Community member, Nick Revels, to the podcast to join in the debate between which is the superior handheld console, the Nintendo 3DS or the PlayStation Vita. In news, we discuss Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Run being shown on Jimmy Fallon, Bioshock backwards compatability, and a release date for Yooka-Laylee.
Discussed on this episode of The Gaming Outsider Podcast:
(0:00 – 21:55) Welcome/Introduction
(21:56 – 40:11) News/Trailers
(40:12 – 47:49) What has our guest (NICK) been playing? (Skyrim Remastered, Batman Telltale, King's Quest)
(47:50 – 1:00:27) What has JOSH been playing? (Firewach, The Last Guardian)
(1:00:28 – 1:19:11) Final Fantasy XV
(1:19:12 – 1:31:05) Overwatch
(1:31:06 – 1:34:02) Titanfall 2
(1:34:03 – 2:15:48) From the Outside In Topic: "3DS vs. Vita"
(2:15:49 – 2:17:40) Closing
Be sure to join our Facebook Group and check out our web site at
The whole crew is here along with special guest,Chris Behrensmeyer, from the GO Community. We're answering community questions for this week's topic, and in news we talk about a Final Fantasy rumor for the upcoming 30th anniversary as well as Capcom talking about revitalizing their older franchises. We also talk about what we saw at both the Game Awards and he Playstation Experience.
Discussed on this episode of The Gaming Outsider Podcast:
(0:00 – 14:21) Welcome/Introduction
(14:22 – 38:49) News/Trailers
(38:50 – 1:14:23) Game Awards/Playstation Experience Discussion
(1:14:24 – 1:20:14) What has CHRIS been playing? ("Dead Rising 4" [Xbox One])
(1:20 15– 1:30:25) "Final Fantasy XV"
(1:30:26 – 1:44:44) Pokemon Sun/Moon & New 3DS
(1:44:44 – 1:52:42) What has ZACH been playing? ("Titanfall 2", "Amateur Surgeon 4" [iOS])
(1:52:43 – 1:56:55) What has ROBBY been playing? ("Sara is Missing" [PC])
(1:56:56 – 2:10:32) What has JOSH been playing? ("Eagle Flight" [PSVR], "Resident Evil 7" demo [PSVR])
(2:10:33 – 2:40:44) From the Outside In Topic: "Community Questions"
(2:40:45 – 2:43:37) Closing
Be sure to join our Facebook Group and check out our web site at